Subject: For more information For more information about the Coptic Lectionary. please refer to the file named "CopticLectionary.txt", which is available under the "/CN/articles" directory of Copt-Net archives. Subject: Fifth Sunday readings 1. If the 5th Sunday occurs from Babah till Amsheer, the second Sunday of Amsheer is read. 2. If the 5th Sunday occurs from Pashans (*) till Mesra, the fifth Sunday of Messra is read. 3. If the fifth Sunday is right before Ninevah's fast (KSWET) the PreLent Sunday readings are read. 4. If there is a fifth Sunday in Toot, the Nayrooz (which has to be Toot 1st) readings are read (It happened in 1709 AM) on the first Sunday and the first Sunday readings are read on the second Sunday etc. 5. If there is a fifth Sunday in Kiahk, the Second Xmas day readings are read (it has to be 29 -which is Xmas- or 30). (*) Paramhat and Paramouda are always in the Lent-Khamaseen period.